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Migrating to 2.0

The biggest change between 1.x and 2.x of the layout dialect is that 2.x is a rewrite of the layout dialect to support Thymeleaf 3. Thymeleaf 3 is largely backwards compatible with Thymeleaf 2 templates, and so the layout dialect has gone out of its way to be backwards compatible too.

As such, everything in this guide is completely optional. However, if you want to future-proof your code and keep your logs clean of deprecation warnings, then follow the steps in this guide.

On this page

  1. decorator processor renamed to decorate
  3. Deprecated include, introduced insert
  4. Thymeleaf 3 fragment processors

decorator processor renamed to decorate


While the layout dialect does perform decoration as per the decorator pattern, throughout 1.x it incorrectly identified the layout/parent template as the decorator, when instead, according to the design pattern, the extension (content template in this case) is the decorator.

This change is simply a rename of the layout:decorator processor to layout:decorate so that the template being specified is the one being decorated, not the decorator, plus an overhaul of the documentation to fix this inconsistency.


A consequence of the above is that the special tokens in the title-pattern processor were also incorrectly named, and so a new token has been introduced to fix this.

Deprecated include, introduced insert


Thymeleaf 3 deprecated the th:include processor and introduced the th:insert processor as its replacement. Because the layout dialect patterned the naming of its template inclusion processors after Thymeleaf, it did the same - deprecating layout:include and introducing layout:insert.

Thymeleaf 3 fragment processors


In 1.x of the layout dialect, it used the same template/fragment specifiers as Thymeleaf 2, which was basically string paths with a special :: separator. In Thymeleaf 3, these specifiers have been formalized into “fragment expressions”, and have a new syntax which surrounds the old one with ~{...}.

The layout dialect now favours the use of these fragment expressions for all processors that pick a template or fragment.