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Migrating to 3.0

Version 3.0 of the layout dialect is largely an upgrade to use Groovy 3.0 which removes the ‘reflective access warning’ in Java (which is set to become an error in Java 17) and the deletion of code that has been deprecated in version 2.x. It’s also a step towards becoming a full Java module, applying an automatic module name and doing some reorganizing of packages in the interim.

All the changes are listed below to help you make an assessment of what an upgrade would entail.

On this page

  1. Deprecated decorator processor has been deleted
  2. Deprecated $DECORATOR_TITLE constant has been deleted
  3. <head> merging strategies now respect the <title> position by default
  4. Deprecated layout:collect with no replacement
  5. Automatic module name and package restructure

Deprecated decorator processor has been deleted

This was deprecated back in 2.0 (thymeleaf-layout-dialect/issues/95) in favour of decorate as the naming was misleading, and has now been deleted.

Deprecated $DECORATOR_TITLE constant has been deleted

Similar to the change above, another poorly-named constant that was deprecated is now deleted.

<head> merging strategies now respect the <title> position by default

The default behaviour of the layout dialect has historically been to place the <title> element at the beginning of the <head> element during the decoration process; an arbitrary design decision which made development of this library easier. However, this runs against the expectations of developers who wished to control the order of elements, most notably the practice of putting <meta charset...> as the first element in the <head>.

In 2.4.0, new <head> merging strategies were introduced (thymeleaf-layout-dialect/issues/177, AppendingRespectLayoutTitleStrategy and GroupingRespectLayoutTitleStrategy) to keep <title>s wherever they exist within the target/layout template being decorated, and then work on everything else as normal.

These strategies have been renamed to replace the old strategies (AppendingRespectLayoutTitleStrategy -> AppendingStrategy and GroupingRespectLayoutTitleStrategy -> GroupingStrategy) and the old strategies have been removed.

Deprecated layout:collect with no replacement

This was a feature added in 2.3.0 (#166). However, it has complicated the maintenance of the layout dialect, and, after some time with it, feels like a very special purpose tool that this library doesn’t need to cover. As such, I am deprecating this feature.

Automatic module name and package restructure

As part of the work to convert the layout dialect into a full Java module (#171), I’ve taken the steps of setting an Automatic-Module-Name in the manifest file, and reorganizing packages to meet the standards set out by Java modules.

This module now has the name of, and the base package (previously has been changed to match.

As a consequence of this move, if you’re using Spring Boot versions older than 2.6.0 to automatically configure the layout dialect, you will now need to configure it yourself. To do that, add the following to any of your Spring Boot configuration classes:

public LayoutDialect layoutDialect() {
  return new LayoutDialect();

Spring Boot 2.6.0 includes support for Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 3, and so this extra configuration is not necessary from that version on.